Unsettling: Scandal, Sign, and Sword

Our cultural Christmas is largely sweet and soft. Like a "Precious Moments" nativity. But the real Christmas story told in the scriptures has rough edges! Luke 1 says that as Mary contemplates the birth of her son, she composes a song of revolution. It speaks of the exalted being humbled, the humble being exalted, the hungry getting full, and the full left hungry! Jesus is born in a barn. His visitors are shepherds, who were social outcasts. These rough edges are on full display in Luke's account of Jesus' appearance at the temple in 2:25-38. When Joseph, Mary, and Jesus go to the temple, an "old saint" named Simeon takes Jesus in his arms, praises God because he has seen the Messiah, and prophesies that the child is destined to cause the rising and falling of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed. Not sweet and soft! Finally, Simeon says that a sword will pierce Mary as well. This is the first time pain is...