"This Old Church: Walls"

In our worship unit "This Old Church," we're looking at our church as a renovation project.  That doesn't mean our church is dilapidated!  Every structure needs occasional updating and inspection.  The same is true of churches! 

Last week, we looked at our foundation, and saw that the only foundation for a church of the Lord Jesus Christ is Christ himself.  We're tempted to mix other things in with that foundation, but when we do, our foundation cracks and our structure sags!

This week, we're going to think about walls.  In particular, load-bearing structural walls.  These walls are our essential teachings.  Scripture passages like Romans 10:9-10 describe the essential early proclamation of the church.  We'll find that these essential walls include having faith in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, confessing that Jesus is Lord, affirming that the Bible is our authority for our beliefs, loving everyone in Christ's name, and fulfilling God's mission to the world.

Sadly, we build other walls in the church.  These are cluttering, dividing walls.  They're non-essential teachings that we elevate to essential status! 

Join us Sunday as we think about shoring up essential load-bearing walls and tearing down non-essential dividing ones!


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