This Old Church: Wiring

One of the most important and difficult parts of a renovation project is electric wiring.  Wiring is mostly hidden behind walls, so you can't see it.  You can assume all is well, but when you turn on a light or plug something in, nothing happens!  That's because the wiring has failed to supply power.

The wiring and power source of the church is the Holy Spirit.  In Acts 1:8, Jesus promised his followers that after he ascended to heaven, they would receive power when the Holy Spirit fell on them.  In the Spirit's power, they would be his witnesses all over the world!  The rest of the book of Acts tells the story of how the Holy Spirit worked through Christ followers to accomplish that mission.

Sometimes we think church growth is a matter of having the right plans, structure, music, space, and so forth.  But none of these matter without the power of the Holy Spirit!  The Holy Spirit transforms us and gives us abilities to minister in and through the church.

Join us this week as we work on our wiring, and tap the power of the Holy Spirit!


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