Friends: Love Each Other

We're basing our new worship unit on our children's Orange curriculum for the month of September!  The unit is "Friends," and it focuses on God's commands for us to love each other as he has loved us.

The account of Jonathan and David is one of the great friendship stories in the Bible.  It's recorded in 1 Samuel 18-20.  Both of them were great, charismatic leaders and warriors.  David appeared to be the inferior in the relationship, because Jonathan was King Saul's son and the heir to Israel's throne.  But God had rejected Saul and his house, and chosen David to be the new king.  Samuel had already anointed David as the new king before he met Jonathan.  Jonathan didn't know about David's anointment, and David didn't let it get in the way of their friendship.

Though it was in neither of their political interests to sacrifice for each other, they did.  

Their story teaches us that in great friendships, each party focuses on his responsibilities in the relationship, and each sacrifices for the other.

In John 13:34, Jesus commanded his followers to love each other as he had loved them.  He demonstrated his love by sacrificing himself for them.  True friendship always involves giving to the other.  A healthy friendship is when each party sacrifices for the other.

In church, we should form these kinds of friendships. But since we can't be close personal friends with everyone, we should do all we can to help people connect with each other, so they can know the blessings of friendship in Christ!


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