Growing Young: Prioritize Young People

Jesus made peculiar choices in disciples!  Mark 1 tells us that he began by calling Peter, Andrew, James, and John.  These were good men doing honest work.  But none of them were scholars with  theological training.  Then, in Mark 2, Jesus called a tax collector named Levi to be a disciple!  That was much more peculiar because tax collectors were social outcasts.  Many of them were wealthy, but gained their wealth by corruption.

Mark 2 also tells us that Jesus had dinner at Levi's house.  Since the only friends tax collectors had were other tax collectors, Jesus and his disciples were having dinner with sinners like tax collectors and prostitutes.

This upset the Pharisees, so they asked Jesus' followers why he was doing something so shocking.  Jesus overheard the Pharisees, and replied by saying that healthy folks don't need a doctor.  Sick folks do.  He said he came to the world not to call the "righteous," but "sinners."

This story shows that Jesus' priority in ministry was to call to people who nobody else cared about.  He called to people who needed him most.  One of the groups who need Jesus the most today are emerging adults, people in the 16-30 age range.  

The authors of the book Growing Young tell us that churches that successful grow young are those who prioritize young adults.  They commit themselves to reaching young adults, become intentional about doing so, and take concrete actions.  They're willing to sacrifice their own wants in order to reach people who need Christ.

As Christ followers, we should follow his example and reach out to people who need him most.  If emerging adults are among those who need him the most, we should prioritize reaching them everywhere and at all times!


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