"I Never Said That"--God

In these days of fake news and "alternative facts," it can be difficult to discern the truth!  The same is true of the Bible.  Sometimes people misunderstand biblical teachings.  Sometimes they think statements are in the Bible, when they aren't.

One of these is "The Lord helps those who help themselves."  This statement isn't in the Bible, though widely quoted as such.  Though it isn't in the Bible, it could be a principle in the Bible or consistent with what the Bible teaches.

Reflecting on this statement, it's biblical validity hinges on what people mean by it.  If they mean that we have to do good deeds to gain our salvation, then it isn't biblical.  In passages like Ephesians 2:4-9, the scriptures say that we become right with God by receiving salvation as a gift through faith.  Salvation is a gift received, not a reward earned.

But if they mean that our walk with Christ requires response and action, then it's consistent with the Bible.  Passages like Ephesians 2:10 and Galatians 2:19-20 teach that salvation is both passive and active.  We receive salvation as a gift.  But once we receive that gift, we do good works.

We do good works not to be saved, but because we are saved!

When we follow Christ, he makes us his co-workers in his mission to save the world.  God has chosen to accomplish his work in the world through us.  Though he's done this, he's also chosen that we can't do his work without him!

When we put our faith, we're saved from sin and death.  But we're also saved for something.  We're saved to be Christ's hands and feet in this world.


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