Jesus on the Margins: Physical Illness

One of the many extraordinary things about Jesus is the way in which he reached out to people on the margins of life.  Our new worship unit focuses on how he did that, and how he calls us to do the same!

Luke 5:17-26 tells the story of the paralyzed man whose friends lowered him to Jesus.  His friends took him to Jesus on a mat in faith that he would heal him.  When they arrived, the house in which Jesus was teaching was so crowded, they couldn't get him to Jesus.  So they went up on the roof of the house and tore a hole in it.  Then they lowered the man to Jesus!

When Jesus saw their faith, he decided to heal the man.  He told him that he had been forgiven of his sins, and could take up his mat and walk.  And he did!

This is one of many incidents recorded in the New Testament in which Jesus healed people.  Why did he do it?  First, it was a sign.  Luke 7:18ff says that John the Baptist sent some of his disciples to Jesus to ask, "Are you the One who is to come, or should we expect someone else?"  Jesus replied by telling him about all the remarkable healings happening through him.  So his healings were signs that he was the Messiah.

Second, Jesus healed because of his compassion.  Matthew 20:29-34 says that one time when Jesus was leaving Jericho, he came across a group of blind beggars by the road.  They cried out, "Lord, son of David, have mercy on us!"  The text says that Jesus had compassion on them, and healed them.  Their plight moved him, and he healed.

If we're to be Christ followers, we need to be engaged in physical healing.  We should have compassion on the sick, and seek to share God's love with them.  When we go to the sick and seek to heal and help them, we give a sign to the world that God is work!

We can be engaged in healing by praying for the sick, going to be with them, and supporting efforts to provide medical care for all.  Though Christ followers differ in how to accomplish this, we should all agree that all the sick should receive care.

When we heal, we act like Jesus, and we give a sign to the world that God is at work!


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