Signs: The King Has Come!

In this age of Google maps and such, we still need signs.  Signs show us which direction to go.  They also tell us what we're looking at!

This week, we begin a new teaching unit titled "Signs."  The gospel of John flags a number of Jesus' miracles as "signs." These miracles are signs because they identify important things about Jesus and his mission.  They also point to spiritual realities in our lives.  This unit will last until Easter.

The first miracle John identifies as a sign is recorded in John 2:1-11.  We might expect a miracle in which Jesus heals or raises from the dead.  Yet the first sign he gives, and one which sets the tone for all the others, is the sign of turning water into wine.

Many Bible passages teach that one day God will establish his kingdom on earth and reign through his Anointed One (Messiah).  Several Bible passages (see Isaiah 25:6 and Revelation 19:9) teach that God will kick off his kingdom with a big party.  According to Isaiah, this party will include "the finest of wines."  Revelation 19:6 refers to this party as "the wedding supper of the Lamb (Christ)."

The sign of the wine shows that God's kingdom was entering the world through Christ.  The season of Lent includes times of grief, like Ash Wednesday.  But it also includes times of celebration, even partying!

The sign of the wine invites us to put our faith in Christ, enter his kingdom, and join the party!


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