Lemonade: Opportunity

Genesis tells us that Joseph found himself in a "pit" a couple of times.  First, when his brothers threw him into one, and second, when Potiphar put him in the dungeon.  Both were literally "low" points of his life!  The first time he was there because of the anger and jealousy of his brothers.  The second time he was there because of the unjust accusations of Potiphar's wife.

Joseph's brothers pulled him out of the first pit and sold him to Ishmaelite merchants, who, in turn, sold him to Potiphar in Egypt.  Joseph's escape from the second pit was much more involved!

Genesis 39:1ff tells how Joseph rose to being in charge of the prison.  Genesis 40:1ff says that Pharaoh's chief cupbearer and baker were thrown into the same prison. One morning, when he went in to attend them, he found them downhearted. They told him that they had experienced dreams the previous night, and had no one to interpret them.  Joseph offered to help.  He listened to their dreams and interpreted them.  Pharaoh would restore the cupbearer to court, while he would execute the baker.  Joseph begged the cupbearer to remember him when he was restored and get him out of the dungeon!

True to Joseph's interpretation, the cupbearer was restored, and the baker executed.  But the cupbearer forgot Joseph.  This had to have been terribly discouraging to Joseph.  Waiting day after day in the prison for some word of relief.  But two years passed, and nothing happened.

Then, Pharaoh had a couple of dreams that no one could interpret (see Gen. 41:1ff).  The cupbearer belatedly remembered Joseph, and Pharaoh called the young Hebrew up from prison.  You probably know the rest of the story.  Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, and Pharaoh is so impressed, he makes Joseph second only to himself in Egypt.

The cupbearer disappointed Joseph initially.  The young man probably thought he had lost a great opportunity.  But God had something far greater in mind for him.  

That happens with us too.  We get disappointed when people let us down.  Sometimes, we even think that God has let us down!  But sometimes a disappointment means that God has greater things for us in mind.  We have to trust him, and be ready when opportunity comes!


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