Comeback: Fraud to Faith (Jacob)

Can we ever change? Are we fated to always be as we are, with no chance of development in faith and character? We can. But it isn't easy. The scriptures have great examples, and in our "Comeback" worship unit, we're going to see what we can learn from them. Jacob is our first example. He was always trying to gain an advantage over someone. Even before birth. He struggled in his mother's womb with his brother Esau to see who would be born first, gaining their father's birthright and blessing! (Genesis 25:24-28). Esau emerged first, but right behind him was Jacob, holding on to his heel. That's where he got his name. Jacob means "he grabs your heel." It had a double meaning because in those days, a person who grabbed your heel was someone who tried to take advantage of you, to trip you up! Jacob lived up to his name. First, he took advantage of his brother and got his birthright (Gen. 25:29-34). Th...