Jesus 101: Rewarding Prayer

What is a hypocrite and how do you avoid being one?

In Matthew 6:5ff, Jesus called his followers to not be like the hypocrites who put their piety on public display.  

The word "hypocrite" comes from the theater.  In Jesus' time, when actors performed in plays, they wore masks.  "Hypocrite" means "to speak behind a mask."  

What a great image for putting on show of being something you're not!

Some say Christ followers are especially prone to hypocrisy because their standard is so high: Jesus Christ!

There's some truth to that.  But a hypocrite isn't a person who aims high and falls short.  A hypocrite is one who aims high, falls short, but says he hit the target!

How do we avoid hypocrisy?  First, by refusing to put on an outward show of our spirituality.  Second, by being honest about our failings with our fellow Christ followers and others.

Throw away your mask and be real!  

The Lord and others will bless you for it!


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