Jesus 101: First Things First

We all worry.  Though it's a pointless expenditure of emotional energy!  

In the 2015 movie "Bridge of Spies," James B. Donovan (played by Tom Hanks) takes on the legal defense of the Soviet Spy Rudolf Abel (played by Mark Rylance).  In the following scene, Donovan is in court talking about Abel's bleak prospects.  

"Would it help?" is the laconic question that expresses the pointlessness of worry.  That's because the obvious answer is, "No!"

In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus make the same point.  "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"  No one can!

 But Jesus goes farther.  He says that when we worry, we act like pagans.  We act like people who worship gods who are uninterested in them.  Our God loves us, knows our needs before we ask him, and is willing to help.

So next time you're tying yourself in knots about worry, remember Jesus, and ask yourself, "Is this helping?"  

The answer is, "No!"  So quit worrying and start praying to the God who loves you!


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