Jesus 101: Under Control

In his third beatitude, Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."  

"Meek" is one of the most misunderstood words in the Bible.  When I think of "meek," I think of Clark Kent.  Superman's secret identity.  Apparently Superman thought it would be good to choose an alter-ego who was the opposite of himself.  Clark Kent is a meek, mild-mannered reporter for "The Daily Planet" who speaks softly and runs from danger.

But the Greek word for "meek" in this passage doesn't describe someone who's shy and cowardly.  Instead, to refers to people who have their power under control.  

So when you think of "meek," think of Superman, not Clark Kent!  Superman is extremely power, but he's disciplined in the exercise of it.  He could tear people apart, but he chooses not to kill.

Two people described by the Bible as meek fit this idea: Moses and Jesus.  Numbers 12:1ff describes Moses as the meekest of people.  Yet he had the strength and courage to stand before Pharaoh and say, "God says, 'Let my people go!'"  Jesus described himself as meek (Matthew 11:28-30), yet he stood before Pilate and told him God was in control, not the Roman government.

Writers used the Greek word for "meek" to describe tamed horses.  So you could say that the meek are those who wear God's bridle, who are under his power and control.  

When you think about it, we all wear a bridle of some kind or another.  It could be a bridle of ego, or greed, or lust, or power, or many other things.  But those who wear God's bridle, who come under his discipline, inherit the earth.  They will be eternal citizens of God's kingdom.  

Put on God's bridle, come under his discipline, and see how he makes you more effective than ever!


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