Secrets of the Kingdom: Worth Everything

One of the most remarkable aspect of Jesus' teaching was his use of parables.  Apparently, he used parables far more than any other teacher of his time.  A parable is an extended metaphor or simile, used to help teach a truth.  Usually, Jesus' parables taught one simple truth, though there were exceptions.  His parables had a dual function.  They revealed secret truths to his followers, but concealed them from those who sought to do him harm (see Matt. 13:10-17).

Many of his parables were about the kingdom of God.  The Bible teaches that at the end of the world, God will establish his kingdom on earth.  Jesus taught that one day the kingdom would come in full power and glory, but that it was starting to enter the world through him.  It would enter the world slowly, transforming it.  

Matthew 13:44-46 tells about two parables: the hidden treasure and the precious pearl.  Though they're two different parables, they reveal the same truth: entering the kingdom costs us everything, but it gives us infinitely more than what we give up!

Entering the kingdom costs us everything.  Matthew 16:24-25 records that Jesus said that those who wanted to follow him had to deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow him.  In his time, when you took up your cross, you went to die!  Jesus said to follow him we must give up everything!

But the kingdom gives us infinitely more than what we give up.  In Matthew 19:27-29, Jesus said, "Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”  Those who leave all to follow Christ will receive spiritual riches and eternal life.

Eternal life means more than never dying.  Having life means more than just being alive, at least life in the biblical sense.  Life in the biblical sense is life in communion with God.  It’s life in loving communion with other people.  It’s having joy and peace. 

The kingdom of God is like a treasure in a field and a priceless pearl.  It’s worth giving up everything to get.  What about you?  Have you given up all to gain more than you ever gave up?  Have you received eternal life?  If not, deny yourself, take up your cross, follow Christ, and enter his kingdom!


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