Secrets of the Kingdom: Transforms Everything

Imagine you lived in Jesus' time, and you were able to see him and his disciples.  Imagine also you knew nothing about what would become of them.  All you know is that Jesus' father was apparently a carpenter and Jesus had no advanced religious training.  None of his disciples were impressive.  Four were fishermen.  One was a tax collector.  One was a political radical.  

Though at the height of his popularity, Jesus drew thousands to hear his teaching, by the time of his crucifixion his followers were few.  Yet today, about 2 billion people spanning the world say they follow this Jesus!  No one in Jesus' time would have guessed that, except for Jesus himself!

Jesus predicted it his parables of the mustard seed and yeast, recorded in Matthew 13:31-33.  He said that though the mustard seed was one of the tiniest seeds, a huge plant grows from it.  He also said that a small amount of yeast leavens a large amount of dough.  

The parable of the mustard seed emphasizes the scope of the kingdom.  From Jesus and the handful of his followers would come a global faith.  God accomplished this through the Holy Spirit working in Christ followers.  

The parable of the yeast emphasizes the transformation the kingdom would bring.  This transformation began in individuals, as they put their faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit entered them and changed them from the inside out.  

As Christ followers went out into the world with their transformed lives, they transformed the world. Imagine a world without hospitals, orphanages, help for the poor and the like.  We have all these because of the church.

Today, God calls us to engage in the growth of the kingdom and transformation of the world remains.  Where there’s sickness, we bring health.  Where there’s death, we bring life.  Where there’s hate, we bring love.  Where there’s vengeance, we bring forgiveness! 
May the seed of the kingdom grow in your heart, and may its leaven transform you!  May you then be God’s vehicle for the growth of his kingdom and its transforming work!


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