Heart in Tune: Prayerful Waiting

Most of us Americans aren't good at waiting!  We want to get things done!  We build roads, bridges, skyscrapers, and more!  We want to rack up achievements as quickly as possible.  We accomplish much good.  But sometimes we create severe problems because we charge ahead without thinking things through or waiting until the time is right.

Despite our hectic activity, sometimes God hits the "pause" button in our lives.  He brings us to a halt and calls us to wait on him.

Psalm 27 expresses the hopes and prayers of someone in distress.  He's trusting the Lord, but fears those who want to harm him.  He wants God to rescue him right away, but God is moving according to his own timetable!

In v. 14, he calls on himself to wait on the Lord.  His waiting isn't passive.  It's done in active anticipation and prayer.  He's waiting prayerfully!

Sometimes God calls us to act immediately.  To forge ahead and accomplish what he wants us to do. But at other times he calls us to be still and wait.  He calls us to wait for him to show the direction he wants us to go and to provide the resources we need.

Waiting doesn't come easy for me!  I want God to give me patience. Right now!

But that's not how it works.  Things run on God's timetable.  In the meantime, we say to ourselves, "Wait for the Lord.  Be strong and be patient, and wait for the Lord!"


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