Heart in Tune: Prayerful Doing

Acts 2:42 is a snapshot of what the early church was doing.  They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.  Prayer governed everything they did.  It should do the same for us!  Through prayer, we discern God's will and receive the power to do it!

Prayer should govern our learning about God.  The early Christians learned about God from the apostles' teaching,  They passed on what they had heard Jesus say and do.  Prayer should direct us in both our personal and corporate Bible study.  Before we begin to read the Bible, we should pray God would speak to us through it.  Before we go to our Sunday School or small group, we should pray that God would do the same!

Prayer should govern our ministry in and through our church.  The early church did that through their fellowship, their sharing in common.  God calls each of us to minister in our churches through our spiritual gifts.  Through prayer, we discern what our gifts are and gain the power to use them.  God calls our church to minister corporately, penetrating our communities and world with God's love.

Prayer should govern our worship.  The term "breaking of bread" in Acts 2:42 may refer to the celebration of the Lord's Supper.  Prayer should govern our individual daily worship and our corporate worship as a church body.

Seek God in prayer, and let prayer direct and empower your doing in Christ’s name!


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