The Big Story: Jesus Is Born!

The Big Story of the Bible is about God's mission to save the world.  In the first chapter of his gospel, Luke gives signs that something huge was about to happen in that story.  In the first part of that chapter, he tells about the birth of John the Baptist.  In the second part, he tells about a visit of the angel Gabriel to Nazareth in Galilee.  Gabriel goes to a young virgin named Mary and tells her that God has chosen her to be the mother of the Messiah, God's Anointed One.  He will sit on the throne of his father David and reign forever.

In the second chapter of Luke, the huge thing happens.  It's the event to which everything in the Big Story has been leading up to: the birth of Jesus Christ!

Joseph and Mary have to go to Bethlehem, King David's ancestral home, to register for a census.  While there, Mary gives birth to Jesus.  He has to be born in a dwelling for animals because there was no other place in the town for them to stay.  

In nearby fields, shepherds were watching their flocks at night.  Suddenly, the bright light of God's glory was all around them.  They were terrified!  An angel appears and tells them that on that day in Bethlehem, the Messiah had been born.  He said the sign of the truthfulness of his word was that they would find a newborn wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.  Finding a baby wrapped in strips of cloth wouldn't have been remarkable.  Finding one in a manger would have been!

Suddenly, a division of God's heavenly army appeared, and said, "Glory to God in the highest.  Peace on those whom God has favored!" 

The shepherds excitedly ran to Bethlehem, where they found everything as the angel said.  Overjoyed, they excitedly shared with everyone what they experienced.

The coming of Christ and all he did was the biggest event in the Big Story.  The story of his birth tells us much about God's aims in sending Christ.  First, he came for everyone, including the poor and marginalized.  Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds were among the poor and the outcast.  Second, he came as a real human being.  There's no more human, earthy process than childbirth!  Jesus was a real human.  Third, he came to redeem humanity.  The angel called him "Savior," the one who redeems.

As the Savior, Jesus was God's greatest gift to us. Today, he calls us to receive that gift for ourselves and become followers of the one who was born in poverty in the town of David!


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