For Haywood: Whom God Loves

The Bible presents at least four foundational truths that are critical to the church's mission.  Truth one is that God loves you as your are.  John 3:16 says that God loves the world so much, he gave his unique Son so that those who put their faith in him will have everlasting life.  1 John 4:7 says that God proved his love for you by sending his Son to die for you.  He loves you as you are.  He's for you!

Truth two is: God has given you a group of people who are for you.  It's the church!  A church isn't a building.  It's group of people gathered to continue Jesus' work in the world.  John 13:34 says Jesus commanded his followers to love each other as he loved them.  God gave you the church to love and nurture you.  He also wants you to love and nurture others in the church.  You should be for your brothers and sisters in Christ!

Truth three is God loves everybody.  He's for everybody. John 3:16 emphasizes this truth!  He loves you, but he doesn't love only you!  He loves everyone in the world.  Even those who rebel against him!  

Truth four is: God loves everybody and wants you to love them too!  He wants you to love them the way he loves them and you!  He wants you to be for them!   Luke 6:27, 32-36 records that Jesus commanded to love everybody.  Even their enemies! 

Of all these truths, today's evangelical churches are struggling with the fourth.  About 10 years ago, David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons wrote the book Unchristian.  This book studied the religious attitudes of young Americans today.  They found that identification with Christianity is plummeting in that group.  The primary reason is that they know churches primarily by what they're against.

How can we change this?  We can do it by embracing the four truths about God's love, especially truth four.  We need a change of heart.  We need to love people who don't go to church as they are.  We need to be for them.  We need to talk about God's love. But more than that, we need to show God's love by caring for the people around us.  Even those with whom we disagree!


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