God's Dynamite: Standing in Grace

What meaning can we find in our suffering?  Especially in suffering related to our current pandemic.  We wonder what God is up to in our world and our lives!

In Romans 5:1ff, Paul gives us help.  If he hadn't suffered much, we could minimize his words.  But he suffered far more than any of us ever will! 

He says that through our faith in God, we stand in God's grace.  That's a great place to stand.  We have peace with him though Christ, and his grace surrounds us and is in us.

He says we can boast in our sufferings.  Not about what we do.  But in what God does in us through them.  

Suffering produces perseverance.  Perseverance is the ability to keep going despite the obstacles.  Like the marathon runner.

Perseverance produces character.  The word he used for "character" refers to something proven.  Perseverance through suffering proves us, grows us, makes us stronger.

Character produces hope.  We've seen God help us in the past.  We know God is helping us in the present.  Based on our past and present experiences, we are assured he'll be with us in the future.

This hope never makes us ashamed because God is pouring out his love in our hearts through Christ Jesus.

May God bless you and build perseverance, character, and hope in these days of pain!


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