God's Dynamite: More than Conquerors

One person goes through a terrible experience and emerges from it stronger, more mature, and more loving. Another goes through a similar experience and emerges from it weaker, less mature, and bitter. What's the difference? I think it has to do with what's in the person's heart. It has to do with his or her faith and perspective of life. In Romans 8:35-39, the apostle Paul asked, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?'' Is there any person or place or experience that can remove us from Christ's loving presence? Trouble? Hardship? Danger? Sword? Paul could answer this question because he experienced all the above and more. He said, "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." We conquer all these things through Christ's love for us. To be sure, we can have times when Christ's love seems far away from us. In the depths of suffering in times like these, we can won...