God's Dynamite: God Holds Us Accountable

Average Americans are sure they're going to heaven.  They're just not sure about you!  

A recent study showed that 88% of people in our country are sure of their salvation.  However, when asked what percentage of people are going to heaven, they gave a much lower number.  Anywhere from 64% to 15%!  

The apostle Paul took up this subject in Romans 2:1ff.  In Romans 1, he showed how sinful the world had become.  He said God's wrath was being poured out on those who willfully rebelled against God.  I'm sure his readers nodded their heads soberly and said "amen" as Paul talked about the wickedness and perversion common in the world.  They thought he wasn't talking about them!

But then Paul slapped them on the head.  He said they had no excuse because at whatever point they condemned others they condemned themselves because they were guilty of the same sins!   

Christ followers in Rome were certain that when Christ returned, things would go well for them.  But Paul said, "Not so fast!"  Things might not go well for them when Christ returned because of their guilt.  Sometimes, we're blind to our sins or we feel we're not as bad as other people!  

On the other hand, 1 John 4:16b-18 says we should have confidence on the day of judgment.  That's because God is love.  He loves us and we love him.  Whoever fears appearing before God hasn't been perfected in love.

On the surface, these truths appear to be contradictory.  But they're really complementary.  On one hand, we must hold on to the truth that we're falling short of what we ought to be and for that reason we're liable to experience God's judgment.  On the other hand, we must hold on to the truth that God loves us unconditionally and his perfect love drives out fear.  

From this place of humility, accountability, and grace we share the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ with the world.


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