
Showing posts from March, 2020

God's Dynamite: None of Us Can Swim So We All Need Saving

How do we become right with God?  That question is at the core of most religions.  However, different religions give different answers to it.  On top of that, religions may differ within themselves about the answer to that question.  Including Christianity! The apostle Paul dove into this issue in Romans 3:21-31.  He had already established that both Jews and Gentiles had failed to be righteous before God.  God's answer to that problem was to give righteousness to humanity, a righteousness apart from the law that was affirmed by the Law and the Prophets. It's as if we've all fallen overboard in the ocean and none of us can swim.  None of us can swim, so we all need saving! This righteousness comes by God's grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.   In verses 23-24, the apostle asserted that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.  "All" really means "all, " Jew and Gentile.  But he also said that both ar...

God's Dynamite: God Holds Us Accountable

Average Americans are sure they're going to heaven.  They're just not sure about you!   A recent study showed that 88% of people in our country are sure of their salvation.  However, when asked what percentage of people are going to heaven, they gave a much lower number.  Anywhere from 64% to 15%!   The apostle Paul took up this subject in Romans 2:1ff.  In Romans 1, he showed how sinful the world had become.  He said God's wrath was being poured out on those who willfully rebelled against God.  I'm sure his readers nodded their heads soberly and said "amen" as Paul talked about the wickedness and perversion common in the world.  They thought he wasn't talking about them! But then Paul slapped them on the head.  He said they had no excuse because at whatever point they condemned others they condemned themselves because they were guilty of the same sins!    Christ followers in Rome were certain that when Chr...