Why Church: To Minister and Be Ministered To

The New Testament teaches that every Christ follower should be a minister (see 1 Cor. 12:1ff).  It also teaches that God empowers us by the Holy Spirit to minister in his name.

In addition to all this, the New Testament shows that God designed the local church to be the context in which ministry takes place.  All the ministry of the early church took place through local congregations.

In 2 Cor. 1:3-7, the apostle Paul describes the help and strength for ministry we share in the local church.  He praised the God of all comfort who comforts us in our trials.  His help flows into our hearts and then overflows to the people around us.  We comfort others with the comfort God has given us.  

In the church, we experience vital connections to each other.  We're a community of shared suffering and joy.  We minister to others in Christ's name, while at the same time receiving their ministry.  

The point of the church's internal ministry is to empower us to minister in the community around us!  

Some think they can't minister because they're not ordained.  But you don't have to go through a church's formal ordination process to be a minister.  God has empowered you to be a minister wherever you go.

The people you come into contact each day have many needs.  They need a pastor.  

You can be a pastor to them.  You can love them in Christ's name, pray for them, listen to them, share the good news of Christ with them, and serve them.

See yourself as a pastor and let God use you to be a pastor to those who come in contact with each day!


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