Jesus 101: Pure Inside

Medical science has developed amazing tests to look at our physical hearts. They include catheterizations, CAT scans, MRIs and more. They can even open our chests and examine our hearts with their own eyes. But science will never develop a test that can look at our spiritual hearts. That's our inner world of being, where we are who we are. Ancient people believed their hearts were not only the center of their emotions, but also of their thoughts and will. We say, "I thought." They said, "I said in my heart." In this context, Jesus spoke his sixth beatitude, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." The word "pure" means to be "thoroughly clean," even "scoured." To be pure in heart is to be pure in your inner world, in the place where only you and God can see. Many religious leaders in Jesus' day weren't pure in heart. They felt as long as they were clean in the...