Growing in Generosity: The Motive of Generosity

What motivates our greatest generosity?  Guilt?  Duty?  Need?  In John 12:1-6, we find that the motivation for the most profound generosity is love.

It was the Saturday before the Friday on which Jesus was crucified.  Jesus' friends Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were having a dinner in Jesus' honor.  Jesus recently raised Lazarus from the dead.  It must have been a joyous celebration, though Jesus knew the time of his passion was near.

When they ate in those days, they didn't sit in chairs.  Instead, they reclined on pillows or couches around low tables.  Their heads were at the table, while their feet were away from it.  Martha was serving the meal.  Lazarus was at the table with everyone else.

While dinner was going on, Mary entered the room, carrying an alabaster jar.  She went to Jesus' feet, broke open the jar, and poured its contents on Jesus' feet.  The smell of fragrant perfume filled the room where they were gathered, along with the whole house.  Then Mary wiped Jesus' feet with her hair.

Everyone at the dinner was shocked when they realized she had poured a pint of expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.  It was worth a year's wages.  That would make it worth about $40,000 today.  It had to have been one of Mary's greatest treasures.

Judas got uncomfortable with Mary's act.  He protested, saying the perfume should have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor.  

Jesus told him to leave her alone.  It was intended that she save this perfume for the day of his burial.  
I don't know Mary knew she was anointing Jesus' body for his burial.  I do know she wanted to give Jesus an extravagant gift to honor him.  She may have sensed something big was at hand.  Or maybe she was expressing her gratitude that Jesus raised Lazarus.

Our motivations for giving to God's work through the church vary.  Guilt is often a go-to motivation!  How can we enjoy a new car when people are lost and going to hell?  Then there's duty.  It's what we ought to do!  There's need.  We'll have to close the doors to the church if we don't give!

But the motivation for our most profound giving is love.  Mary gave to Jesus out of love for him.  Do we love him that much?  Are we willing to make gift that extravagant?


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