The Big Story: Jesus' Resurrection

The climax of the Big Story of the Bible is Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.  It's easy to think of these as two distinct events, but they're two parts of one event.  In it, God provided for the redemption of humanity.

"Woman, why are you crying?" is the question highlighted in John's account of the resurrection (20:1-18).  Mary Magdalene went to Jesus' tomb early on Sunday morning, and found the stone rolled away.  Assuming Jesus' body had been stolen, she ran to Peter and John, and told them what she had seen. They ran to the tomb.  John arrived first, but waited outside the entrance.  Peter, true to his impulsive nature, strode right in the tomb when he arrived.  John followed him.

As Peter looked around, he saw Jesus' burial clothes neatly arranged.  That seemed to rule out grave robbers, because they wouldn't have left them that way.  John looked around and believed.  The account doesn't say what he believed, but it's safe to say that at the very least, he believed God had done something extraordinary!

After surveying the scene, Peter and John left.  Mary, still overcome with grief, remained, weeping outside the tomb.  When she finally looked inside, she saw two angels dressed in white.  One was where Jesus' head had been, and the other where his feet were.  They're the first to ask, "Woman, why are you crying?"  

Mary responded, "They have taken my Lord away, and I don't know where they've put him!"  She was so focused on Jesus, she seems to have barely noticed that she was talking to angels!  

She did become aware that someone was standing behind her.  She assumed it was the caretaker of the garden the tomb was in.  This person asks the question again, "Woman, why are you crying?"  

Mary responded, "Sir, if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I'll go get him."  

Then the person behind her said, "Mary."  They way he said her name revealed to her that it was Jesus! 

In joy, she exclaimed, "Rabboni," and apparently tried to embrace him.  But he told her not to cling to him because he was on his way back to the Father.

The resurrection of Jesus tells us two important things.  First, Jesus was who he said he was.  In 1 Corinthians 15:8, 17-19, the apostle Paul wrote that Jesus' resurrection proved that he was the Messiah.  Without his resurrection, Jesus was just a misguided teacher.  Second, the end of the age has begin.  In 1 Corinthians 15:20, 23-24, Paul wrote that Jesus' resurrection meant that the resurrection at the end of the world had begun.  He was the firstfruit of the great resurrection harvest.

This means we overcome death through faith in the one who was resurrected.  It also means that we're to be proclaimers of the good news of Christ's resurrection!

So, Mary don't you weep!


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