The Big Story: Peter's Vision at Joppa

What do you do when God does something completely unexpected and wonderful? In the story of the apostle Peter's vision at Joppa, God did something like that. The story starts at the beginning of Acts 10. A God-fearing Roman Centurion living in Caesarea named Cornelius has a vision of a an angel. The angel tells him to send to Joppa for a man called Peter, who's staying at the house of Simon the tanner. Cornelius immediately dispatched two servants and one of his aides to go to Joppa. The following day, around noon, the three men are nearing Joppa. While people are preparing the big meal of the day, Peter goes up on the roof to pray. Though he's hungry, he falls into a trance. In the trance, he has a vision of a large sheet coming down from heaven. In the sheet are all kinds of unclean animals, animals the Jewish law said Peter should never eat. A voice called out, "Arise, Peter, kill and eat." Peter recoiled at the c...