Christmas Presence: Light in the Darkness

It's the time of year for Christmas TV shows and movies! Lots of them talk about "the true meaning of Christmas." But hardly any of them present the true meaning of Christmas! One of the few ones that does is "A Charlie Brown Christmas," that premiered in 1965. I watched it on our black and white TV. Even then, I was impressed with the scene in which Linus steps on the stage and recites the Christmas story from Luke. This doesn't mean other specials don't have good points about Christmas. Who doesn't laugh at "Christmas Vacation"? Who doesn't get a lump in their throat when they sing "Auld Lang Syne" at the end of "It's a Wonderful Life"? Still, they present a hollowed out Christmas, a Christmas without its essential meaning. This week, we begin our worship teaching unit "Christmas Presence: God with Us." In this unit, we're going to learn the true true meaning of Christmas ...