
Showing posts from June, 2017

God Never Said That: Money Is the Root of All Evil

The statement "Money is the root of all evil" is commonly attributed to the Bible.  But it's not in the Bible!  The Bible says something different! Preachers who profit off false teachings aren't new.  In 1 Timothy 6, the apostle Paul wrote about teachers of his day who thought godliness was a way to make money!  They liked to stir up controversy and make a big deal out of minor things in order to make money. The apostle went on to say that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.  In itself, money is neutral, neither good nor bad.  But the love of money, the deep desire to gain more money is a root of many kinds of evil.  Paul said that people who were eager for money had wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs! The love of money is pervasive in our culture.  How do we keep from it?  In Jesus' parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), he told the story of a master who entrusted his wealth to three of h...

"I Never Said That"--God

In these days of fake news and "alternative facts," it can be difficult to discern the truth!  The same is true of the Bible.  Sometimes people misunderstand biblical teachings.  Sometimes they think statements are in the Bible, when they aren't. One of these is "The Lord helps those who help themselves."  This statement isn't in the Bible, though widely quoted as such.  Though it isn't in the Bible, it could be a principle in the Bible or consistent with what the Bible teaches. Reflecting on this statement, it's biblical validity hinges on what people mean by it.  If they mean that we have to do good deeds to gain our salvation, then it isn't biblical.  In passages like Ephesians 2:4-9, the scriptures say that we become right with God by receiving salvation as a gift through faith.  Salvation is a gift received, not a reward earned. But if they mean that our walk with Christ requires response and action, then it's consistent with the...