Signs: The Light Has Come!

Truth is in the news a lot these days, particularly in politics. This was the cover of Time magazine last week: That's a good question. In these days of "truth hyperbole," "alternative facts," and "fake news," the truth can be hard to find. Some people don't think the truth matters. What matters is what we think and how we feel. We're not the only ones to wrestle with the truth. People did in Jesus' time too. In John 9:1:1-14, we read about Jesus healing a man born blind. The main theme of the story is that Jesus is the light of the world. He is truth. The Pharisees struggle with the healing because it occurred on the Sabbath. In their interpretation of the scripture, healing was work, and work was forbidden on the Sabbath. When some took the formerly blind man to them, they said that Jesus couldn't have healed him because he was a sinner. Yet the man argued that Je...