Things to Come: The Return of Christ

Anticipation of Christ's return was a fever pitch when I was in high school! The book The Late Great Planet Earth was published, and became an immediate bestseller. Every evangelist who preached a revival at our church did at least one sermon on it. One evangelist looked at me and the rest of my youth group sitting at the front and said, "I believe not one of these teenagers will have a gray hair on their head before Christ returns!" Today, my hair is pretty much all gray, so that didn't quite work out! I inhaled all the anticipation and helped spread it! But I didn't know that every generation of Christ followers expected Christ to return in their generation, and that the view of the end times I held was only one of several possible approaches. This led me to study the scriptures to find what the Bible actually says about Christ's return and to separate it from all the well-intentioned, but fanciful and false interpretations. Passag...