Jesus 101: Salty and Shiny

What role did Jesus want his followers to play in the world? Matthew 5:13-16 says he wanted them to be penetrating and transforming agents for God's kingdom. In this passage, he said they were the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world." In Jesus' time, salt was a penetrating and purifying agent. It penetrated food and killed the corruption in it. That's why in the days before refrigerators people salted meats and other foods. Light was a penetrating and revealing agent. It penetrated the darkness and revealed what was in it. It showed what was true. This passage appears in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). In this section, Jesus described the ideal attitudes and behaviors of kingdom citizens. When you read through it, you'll find that kingdom citizens were to have unique lifestyles that went against the grain of our broken world. As they went into the world and lived by the distinct values of the ...