
Showing posts from April, 2019

Jesus 101: Know You Need

In Matthew 5:3 Jesus says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  Who are the poor in spirit and why are they blessed?   The poor in spirit are the humble who know they need God and others.  Sometimes it helps to understand what something is by looking at its opposite.  The opposite of being poor in spirit is to be prideful.  Revelation 3:17-18 speaks of the church of Laodicea.  It was a church that thought it was rich and didn't need a thing from God or anyone else.  But Jesus tells it that it's really poor, miserable, blind and naked!  He calls on it to humble itself and turn to him for what it needs! The church in America today is a lot like that church.  It's wealthy and spoiled.  Oftentimes American churches are inward-focused and blind to the needs of the communities that surround them.  They have great buildings and programs.  But they're spiritually impoverished. The poor in spirit are blessed because t

Secrets of the Kingdom: Offers Life to Everyone

Two constants of human life are birth and death.  Every human experiences them.  Birth is a time of joy.  We celebrate our birthdays each year to commemorate the years we've lived since then.  Death is a time of sorrow and loss.  It's the great consumer of human life. Isaiah 25:6-9 says one day God will change all that.  He will take away the shroud that covers all nation.  He'll swallow up death forever.   In John 12:20-25, Jesus said the time had come for him to be glorified.  He said that unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds.  Then he said those who try to save their lives will lose them, but those who hate their lives in this world will keep them for eternal life.   He was referring to his own death and resurrection, and to the life that would come to us through them.  The apostle Paul used a similar image in 1 Corinthians 15:35-36, 42-44.  He said that our bodi

Secrets of the Kingdom: Judges Everyone

We walk the earth thinking we own lots of stuff.  Our houses, cars, jewelry, cell phones, stocks, etc., etc.  But the truth is we're only stewards. We receive or earn things and use them for a while.  But at last we pass them on to others. If you're a Christ follower, you're also a steward of the good news of Christ and the gospel.  You received it from others and now God has entrusted it to you.  What will you do with it? Jesus spoke of this in his parable of the tenants in Matthew 21:33-46.  Originally, it was a parable directed at Jewish leaders.  It's really more of an allegory than a parable.  In it, Jesus shows how the priests and Pharisees had taken a living faith and turned it into something corrupt that took people away from God.  Ultimately, they rejected God's Son when he came to him. Those leaders blew it.  It seems some of us are doing the same thing.  Some of us have created a legalistic conservative evangelicalism that takes people aw

Secrets of the Kingdom: Invites Everyone

You've cleaned the house, put up the decorations, and prepared the food and drinks.  You've sent out lots of invitations.  But it's a few minutes before the party, and you're asking yourself, "What if nobody shows up?"   That's probably happened to you and most likely people showed up.  But what if they didn't?  That's the theme of Jesus' parable of the banquet in Luke 14:15-24.  Jesus is eating dinner at the home of Pharisee.  The Lord mentions the resurrection of the end of the world.  One of the dinner guests expresses his confidence that he'll be at God's great banquet that will celebrate the beginning of his kingdom.  Jesus responds to him with a parable. A man plans a party.  A great feast.  He sends out lots of invitations.  He sends his servant to tell those invited that the feast is ready.  But all those he invited refuse to come, giving lame excuses.   The master is angry and tells his servant to invite the bl