Outsiders: Refugees

At Christmas, we emphasize the sweet, warm parts of the story of Jesus' birth. Jesus placed in a manger among animals, angels appearing to shepherds, and shepherds worshiping the newborn king in Bethlehem all make for a nice "Precious Moments" portrait. But the full account of his birth has dark sides to it. One of those is King Herod's attempt to murder the baby Jesus and his successful murder of baby boys in the area of Bethlehem. Matthew 2 tells us that the Lord warned Joseph about what Herod intended to do. Joseph gathered Mary and Jesus in the night, and fled for Egypt. This made the holy family refugees. Refugees are people who must leave their homes because of events like war, famine, persecution, and environmental disaster. Joseph had to flee with his family because of Herod's murderous intentions. Joseph went to Egypt because it was outside Herod's jurisdiction and because it had large Jewish communities. It...