Fruitful Church: Extravagant Generosity

Acts 4:32-37 tells how the infant church practiced extravagant generosity. It says that none of the members of the church was in need. The reason why was that much grace was on them all. They had received God's grace and were relaying it to each other. From this sense of grace, no one felt his possessions were his own. Everyone shared what he had. Sometimes, people sold pieces of property and laid the proceeds at the apostles' feet. The apostles distributed them to people according to their need. Extravagant generosity begins with God's grace. It begins with the insight that God has been extravagantly generous to us. His ultimate act of generosity was the gift of his Son. Throughout church history, Christ followers have practiced the spiritual discipline of giving. In particular, giving a tithe or giving back to God ten percent of what he had given them. They've seen it as a spiritual discipline like p...