The Big Story: Jesus Is Crucified

God's Big Story has a climax. This climax is Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Everything that happened before these prepared the way for them. Everything that happened after was built on them. What was happening when Jesus was crucified? That's a question theologians have pondered for thousands of years? None of us can comprehend all that was going on in those hours. Jesus' followers didn't understand at the time. They would begin to understand only after the resurrection. Two key words the New Testament uses to tell about what was going on when Jesus died on the cross are "redemption" and "reconciliation." In Romans 3:22b-26, the apostle Paul says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by the redemption that came by his grace in Christ. "Justified" means to be declared "not guilty." "Redemption" is to be freed of a debt. In the ancient...