The Big Story: God Sends His People into Exile

One of the many things I love about the book of Psalms is that it expresses a wide range of emotions. We find psalms of joy, sorrow, worry, worship, and aspiration. For me, many of the most compelling psalms are those that express unvarnished feelings. They show that the people God used to write the Bible had the same feelings we do! One of the most sorrowful and bitter psalms is Psalm 137. It expresses the feelings of the Israelites when they were in exile in Babylon. They sat and wept by the rivers of that place, feeling the pain of their loss, and the words and actions of their tormentors. They comfort themselves with the thought of someone taking the infants of their enemies and dashing them against rocks! The exile was a critical part of God's mission to save the world because during it the Israelites wrestled with questions that would prepare the way for the coming of Christ. A first question was, "Has our God been...