Counter Culture: Nonconformists

In Daniel 1:8-20, Daniel and his friends are settling into lives as exiles in Babylonia. They've received Babylonian names, and King Nebuchadnezzar has enrolled him in his school to train them to serve in his court. He wanted them to have the best, so he ordered that they be fed with food from his own personal supply. But Daniel refused to eat the food. The text says that he didn't want to "defile" himself. We don't know what he found defiling about the food. Books like Leviticus describe those laws. But the precise reason why he didn't partake isn't important because the food represents more than food. It represents Babylonian culture, particularly parts of that culture that opposes God's commands. Daniel and his friends eat only "vegetables and water" for ten days. At the end of that time, they look better than those who ate the king's food. Not only that, the king examines them and admits them into his service. They ...